June 7

Mental illness

Some people have disorders like OCD, Bi-polar disorder, ADHD and autism but those are the most well-known disorders, but there are more than those disorders and they’re in a group called mental illness. Mental illness is known for abnormal behaviour, but the abnormal behaviour depends on the culture and interferes with the everyday life, which was referred to a symptom, but it really depends on the certain type of mental illness like psychotic disorders. Psychotic disorders are a group of disorders but there very similar with the symptoms such as dysfunctions, severe distortion of thought, severe perceptions and severe feelings. Another group of similar symptoms is affective disorders. Affective disorders are a group of similar symptoms of which would disturbs themselves and sometimes, others around them.


There are more than 2 groups of disorders such as organic, psychosexual, adjustment, personality and many other disorder groups. The way you can know what type of mental illness you might have been diagnosed. A diagnosis is identifying what type of disorder you might have but it requires a careful assessment to fully determine what disorder you might have. Ph. D is trained to study abnormal behaviour unlike social workers who only has a master’s degree to help abnormal people get their life back on track, but most people like to get treated for their mental illness. Although some mental illnesses can disappear, most can’t go away forever but they can keep it in control by treatment. The ways they can treat the mental illness is by talking to ph. D and Psy.D  and many more people, some may give the person medication, but others will only have the person chat about it. It’s important if you take the right medication because there is different medication for different disorders.


The origin of how mental illness came to be, Greece, India, France focused on where the abnormal behaviour came from other people and the Europeans started to investigate these behaviours and they concluded that it was an illness mentality, so the Europeans wanted to learn more about the treatment to the mental illness and they did. But then again, people with mental illnesses are still people even if their different, they shouldn’t be treated like their superior to us.


Works Cited

“Mental illness.” Britannica School, Encyclopedia Britannica, 2 Mar. 2020. school.eb.com/levels/middle/article/mental-illness/275796#204509.toc. Accessed 1 May. 2023.

Bollinger, Beth A., M.D., and Rebecca J. Frey, Ph.D. “Origin of Mental Illnesses.” The Gale Encyclopedia of Mental Health, edited by Brigham Narins, 4th ed., vol. 3, Gale, 2019, pp. 1173-1182. Gale Health and Wellness, link.gale.com/apps/doc/CX2491200356/HWRC?u=ko_k12pr_d65&sid=bookmark-HWRC&xid=ec241541. Accessed 1 May 2023.